Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Simulasi LCD 16x2 dengan Proteus 7.1 SP4

  1. Buka program proteus, proteus yang saya pakai yaitu tipe 7.1 SP4 dapat didownload di
  2. Klik "Pick from devices" pada keyword ketikkan "atmega16" kemudian klik 2x device ATMEGA16 selanjutnya cari komponen yang lain yaitu potensi0 dengan nama device "POT-HG" dan LCD dengan nama device "LM016L"L
         Cara memilih Pick Devices  ATMEGA16 :

          Cara memilih LCD LM016 L
          Cara memilih resistor Variabel seperti dirangkaian dibawah ini dengan cara :

  1. Buat rangkaian seperti berikut.

  2. Membuat program yang akan dimasukkan pada ATMEGA16, disini saya menggunakan software codevision avr.
  3. Buka Codevision, klik new-->file-->project
  4. Pada tab Chip : ATmega16, Clock:12 MHz
  5. Pada tab LCD : PORTC
  6. Kemudian klik File--> Generate, Save and Exit
  7. Beri nama sesuai selera
  8. Pada while(1) ketikkan program sebagai berikut
  9.  Tampilan program dapat dilihat dibawah ini :
  10. Compile dengan menekan F9 atau klik menu project--> compile
  11. Setelah dicompile,kemudian klik Build All (ctrl+F9) maka akan terbentuk sbb :

  1. Sehingga terbentuk file tes.cof
  2. Masukkan namafile.cof pada atmega16 dengan cara klik 2x dengan settingan sebagai berikut.
  3. Run the simulation / Tombol play (Pojok kiri bawah), maka hasilnya adalah sebagai berikut

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Tips Mafia Wars dan Monster Galaxy

Sekian lama tidak menulis blog, saya ingin berbagi tips game.

1). Monster Galaxy(
Setelah mengikuti game ini sebulan lamanya, ada tips mempermudah permainan:
Pohon/ Whistle Tree: Berguna untuk memanggil teman atau memanggil bantuan bila dalam keadaan kesulitan bertarung.
b). Seed : Untuk Capture moga. Akan otomatis menambah setelah 8 jam kemudian.
c). Blue Coffee: Untuk Heal moga kalian...

Berikut lokasi moga:

- Brineep
- Chiberus
- Munyu = Spiral Path, Spiral Road, Northside, Heavenly Greens Gate
- Mimple = Northside, Heavenly Greens Gate, Trollworthy Bridge
- Lumo
- Ibex
- Woolf = *quest event, could be caught in Spiral Cave*, Spiral Cave, Spiral Path, Spiral Road, Northside, Heavenly Greens Gate (rare to encounter here)
- Vuvu = Heavenly Green Steps, Heavenly Greens Cemetery, The Rue Morgue, Cyndonia Castle
- Spike = *rumored to be at Cydonia Castle - unconfirmed*
- Twister = Sandswirl Shrubwalk, Sandswirl Point, Sandswirl Peninsula


- Booly
- Burger
- Tauron
- Zomoo = Heavenly Green Steps, Heavenly Greens Cemetery, The Rue Morgue, Cyndonia Castle.
- Pluksop
- Golerph = *possible location at Swirly Pier and Swirly Dock)
- Beefee = West Summer Road, East Summer Road, Warmwood Trail, Summer Field
- Staryak = Spiral Path, Spiral Road, Northside, Heavenly Greens Gate (rare in this location)
- Peafyx = Darkwood (Uncommon Encounter)
- Tippy


- Wasabee = West Summer Road, East Summer Road, Warmwood Trail, Summer Field
- Electrotter = MadBeetch Rapids
- Blix
- Diabao
- Boogaleef = Swirly Dock, Bushfall, Sandswirl Shrubwalk, Sandswirl Point, Sandswirl Peninsula
- Coyotl
- Sweetish
- Gogh
- Huey = *tutorial event at the beginning of the game*
- Tigon


- Skuzy
- Pwee
- Azurel
- Crabao = Sandswirl Beach, Bushfall, Swirly Dock, Mangrove Shallows, Shellstone Beachfront, Shellstone Lighthouse
- Hammerdog
- Yara = Sandswirl Beach, Mangrove Shallows, Mega Hole (rare)
- Orbz
- Tenpac = Spiral Cave
- Crabone
- Chamepo


- Radiojack
- Umbranine
- Messi = Spiral Path, Spiral Road
- Titus
- Leon
- Gryph = *email giveaway = special event (map location unknown)
- Roarstache
- Chanho
- Alyx = Shadowmire Edge, Miasma Depths.
- Zeit


- Barnetta = Windhym Roadway, Windhym Flower Path, Gates of Windhym, Windhym Southshire
- Meka
- Faust
- Cactoo
- Leif
- Nomy = Windhym Gardens
- Siri = Windhym Roadway, Windhym Flower Path, Gates of Windhym, Windhym Southshire
- Melodee = Windhyme Roadway, Windhym Flower Path
- Turtlenie
- Tama


- Colibri = Shadowmire Edge, Miasma Depths, Shadowmire Bulwark, Mourningwood Pass, Darkwood, Darkwood Vault.
- Zeppeilin
- Jor
- Lira
- Tutu
- Winja = *Quest at Thornwood
- Smok = Mega Hole
- Buffant
- Willio
- Waidio


- Pengoo
- Weatar
- Anboo
- Scorpius
- Peascorp = Darkwood, Mourningwood Pass, Shadowmire Bulwark
- Icevia
- Nebugon
- Sno
- Pigloo
- Nar= Mega Hole, Spiral Cave


- Marcuu
- Nightmare
- Chuuchilla = Summer Field (rare_
- Knightaur
- Hanzo
- Alejandro
- Unitaur
- Dihno = West Summer Road, East Summer Road, Warmwood Trail, Summer Field
- Tiano
- A.C. = Miasma Depths, Darkwood Vault, Oakford Shade, Mourningwood Pass


- Trolo = Miasma Depths, Shadowmire Bulwark, Darkwood, Trollworthy Bridge, Oakford Shade, Mourningwood Pass
- Plasmians
- Yoake = *rumored in Graveyard
- Capriccino
- Meh = Northside, Heavenly Greens Gate, Spiral Path, Spiral rOAD
- Eefree = Bushfall
- Fenix
- Creamaranian
- Lambo (Heart) = West Summer Road, East Summer Road, Heavenly Greens Gate
- Teef


- Owlreed = Shadowmire Edge, Miasma Depths, Shadowmire Bulwark, Mourningwood Pass, Darkwood, Darkwood Vault
- Paroot
- Muninn = Shadowmire Edge, Miasma Depths, Shadowmire Bulwark, Mounringwood
- Peepee
- Pudgy = Shadowmire Bulwark, Oakford Shade
- Weero
- Ikki
- Yugure = Cydonia Castle
- Starpops = Windhym Southshire
- Hakka = The Rue Morgue, Cyndonia Castle


- Leviathan = Mangrove Shallows, Bushfall, Sandswirl Bulwark, Swirly Dock, Swirly Pier
- Weeplet = Sandswirl Beach, Bushfall, Sandswirl Shrubwalk, Mangroove Shallows, Shellstone Beachfront, Shellstone Lighthouse
- Anee = Sandswirl Beach, Mangroove Shallows, Shellstone Beachfront, Shellstone Lighthouse, Bushfall, Sandswirl Shurbwalk
- Jag
- Syrene
- Shen
- Paul = *Quest at Southshire Bridge
- Mars
- Momo
- Cathulu = MadBeetch River

 Mafia Wars(

ini berlaku pada mozilla firefox

Install Grease Monkey(bisa search pada mbah google)

Buka website install addon mafia wars updatenya bila sudah install grease monkey),kemudian search 90615 kemudian install script tersebut.

Buka ,kemudian klik : Mafia Wars Gift Linker,Pilih Bookmarklet. Letakkan bookmark yang diinginkan misalnya : Unframe-MW (untuk tidak pakai bingkai dalam) tetapi sebelumnya Unframe-MW ini diletakkan pada toolbar mozilla anda.